Sunday, March 8, 2009

'Social' bench?

Any kinds of public facilities always get involve in public (community), this kind of relationship cannot be ignored, depends on how strong is the relation between the public facility and community.
Bench, as a public facility, its design does have effect on the interaction between people in public. Some of the benches are certainly proved to be very cosy and social bench if we sit round the right way. Public may chat easily among each others with more eye-contact by sitting face to face on bench.

The design of bench below may encourage the social interaction among public. It creates a communal space for the community, perfect for not only groups, but also for individuals. It does whatever you need, social interaction or private space.

Chit-chatting within group, private space for loners

How about the following bench design? It is a bunch of cool design bench in Japan and it is said to be social bench! May be it does its task as social bench, but is it comfortable and convenient for public to have a sit?

This is a bench which is functioned as an advertisement, rather than a seating. This is totally not encouraging social interaction, this is a one seat bench and not practical at all! What do you think, people may just go and capture a photo, but not utilize it. It's a waste of public space!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My cousin recommended this blog and she was totally right keep up the fantastic work!

Stainless Steel Benches